Women’s Economic Empowerment through Agriculture Value Chain Enhancement (WEAVE)
Posted at: 14:05:15 25/05/2017 - View: 2342
Donor: DFAT through CARE international in Viet Nam, Oxfam and SNV
Duration: 2016- 2020
Location: Bac Kan and Lao Cai Province
Improved attitudes, capacity and commitment of key stakeholders in the spice, pork, and banana value chains to increase women’s roles in decision making, increase their access to and control over services and resources, and challenge social norms and policies to promote women’s economic empowerment and social inclusion
Expected outcomes
- Women have the decision influence, capacity, confidence and support to benefit from increased social & economic opportunities.
- Women in producer organisations are better organised, more effectively linked up with public and private value chain actors and better able to negotiate terms and conditions for increasing their benefits.
- Public and private actors in selected value chains support women’s economic empowerment.
- Government policies & regulatory frameworks that better promote an enabling environment for women’s economic empowerment
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