Reducing the impacts of industrial meat production in support of ethnic minority women and their small-scale heritage chicken farming in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam

Posted at: 14:04:00 11/04/2022 - View: 806

Donor: Tiny Beam Fund

Duration: 12/2021- 08/2022

Location: Thai Nguyen province and Bac Giang province

Budget: $20,000

Main objectives:

1) to determine how industrial chicken is affecting small-scale ethnic minority farmers, specifically women.

2) to determine how small-scale chicken farmers successfully adopt sustainable practices

and have higher animal welfare standards. More generally, in middle-income countries

where industrial production is expanding rapidly, we will pinpoint specific factors that

enable small-scale chicken farmers to succeed and identify how those farmers and their animals can be better supported.

3) to determine how small-scale chicken farmers in developing countries have improved

and/or can improve their productivity and livelihoods without turning to industrial


4) to limit the growing dominance of industrial meat.

5) to support the ADC in its institutional mandate to advocate for progressive policies

supporting the ethnic minority population in the NMR of Vietnam.

Expected outcomes:

- We will explain how industrial chicken is affecting small-scale farmers.

- We will identify local strategies used by small-scale farmers to overcome (circumvent) the development of the animal-industrial complex.

- We will formulate a strong argument based on local experiences showing how the support of small-scale farmers contributes to halting the spread of industrial chicken.

- We will offer evidence on how to support the maintenance of more ethically, economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable forms of production in marginalized communities in Vietnam and other LMICs.

-We will use the results of this project as evidence in our lobbying of local and regional policymakers and officials.

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