Effective biodiversity conservation of Hoang Lien National Park through improved local public awareness and capacity for collaborative management, community relations and climate resilience of buffer zone communities

Posted at: 16:03:24 28/03/2024 - View: 311

Project title: Effective biodiversity conservation of Hoang Lien National Park through improved local public awareness and capacity for collaborative management, community relations and climate resilience of buffer zone communities

Country: Vietnam

Project Start: 1st November 2023 Project End: 30th October 2024

Grant Amount: 52.588 EUR

Overall Project Objective

Define the overall objective(s) of the proposed project. Please be reminded that the objectives have to be formulated in a measurable way. Max 30 words

The objective of this project is to enhance the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation of Hoang Lien National Park through increased awareness of HLNP values, improved capacity for collaborative management, improved AHP-community relation and climate resilience of local communities.

Project Outcomes

State the desired results and direct benefits addressing the identified needs and problems. The expected results are the measurable changes that occurred by the end of the project as a result of the planned.

Outputs are the results of the activities conducted to achieve the project objectives. Provide a description and the specific number/indicator of targets per output.

Describe the activities or interventions that will lead to achieving the project results/outcomes. Provide details of what will actually be done to accomplish the project objectives.

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