Training Workshop on Using Indigenous Knowledge in Agroecological and Climate Change Resilience Practices

Posted at: 15:07:34 24/07/2019 - View: 1145
ADC organized a Training Workshop on Using Indigenous Knowledge in Agroecological and Climate Change Resilience Practices took place from 12 to 13 July, 2019 in Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam.

This training workshop is the part of the project "Using indigenous knowledge to enhance community resilience to climate change in the mountainous region of Vietnam (CBA2017-01 MY-Ho)", which is funded by Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research.

For the purpose of presenting the book “Using Indigenous Knowledge in Agroecological and Climate Change Resilience Practices”, developed and compiled by ADC based on models and agroecological practices of using IKs implemented by ADC and non-governmental organizations in many provinces of the country. This document was developed with the desire to become a teaching material and reference material for students, especially ethnic minority students at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry. In addition, the document will be shared with local NGOs, scholars and government officials at the local and national levels.

With the participation of more than 30 delegates from many organizations, agencies, academia, 2 days of training workshop on using this document has been successfully organized.

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